The First Communication

Communication Number One The soul or spirit of consciousness comes from God. Starting from life’s experiences on earth and continuing in spirit planes after the transition of death, each individual is in a process of evolution, and he must eventually improve himself to the point of sublimity. He is created for one purpose. To return…
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What is the Message of I Paul?

Spirit to spirit Receivings The Message of I Paul is a conglomerate of Automatic Writings, Thought Transferences, Knowledge and Understandings acquired in Transcendences, excerpts from Ancient and Sacred Script, and some thoughts of my own as well as some excerpts from older recipients of Automatic Writings and Thought Transferences from Spirit. Given to all levels…
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Faith exists naturally…

Faith exists naturally rather than being acquired, existing then, as an inherent attribute. It is this Faith we give each other in the belief, credit, and trust which is the bond of all society. On it, all Science, all government, all commerce, all covenants of daily intercourse are based. Without it, the fairest share of…
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